Volume : IX, Issue : III, March - 2019

Total Percutaneous Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (PEVAR): Single Centre Experience

Saikat Bhattacharjee, Rochan Pant, Aneesh Mohimen, Samaresh Sahu, Rajeev Sivasankar

Abstract :

Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) has become an accepted modality for therapy of aortic aneurysms offering lower morbidity and mortality as compared to open surgery. Totally percutaneous access for Endovascular Aortic Repair (PEVAR) has become possible with the use of suture mediated closure devices. We present a short series of PEVAR demonstrating the reliability and applicability of the technique with early ambulation (24 hours). Aims: To demonstrate practicality of total percutaneous access for Endovascular aneurysm repair with early ambulation. Settings and Design: Tertiary care centre in a metropolitan city. Retrospective analysis. Methods and Material: All cases presenting with abdominal or thoracic aneurysms and/or aortic dissection where EVAR was judged possible based on anatomical factors and access vessel size were taken up for primary total PEVAR. All cases of PEVAR were selected and analysed. Results: 22 patients underwent PEVAR over a period of 2 years. All cases achieved haemostasis by percutaneous SMC placement. No complication on medium term follow up (1year to 1month) was noted in any patient undergoing PEVAR. One patient required surgical closure of the arteriotomy site while one patient had an access site pseudoaneurysm which required surgical management. Conclusions: Total Percutaneous EVAR for aortic aneurysm repair appears to be feasible and safe.

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TOTAL PERCUTANEOUS ENDOVASCULAR ANEURYSM REPAIR (PEVAR): SINGLE CENTRE EXPERIENCE, Saikat Bhattacharjee, Rochan Pant, Aneesh Mohimen, Samaresh Sahu, Rajeev Sivasankar INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2019

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