Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2015


J. P. Jaiprabhu, K. Prabhu

Abstract :

The styloid process is a bony projection, situated immediately anterior to the stylomastoid foramen, averaging from 20 to 25mm in length. An unusual case of a unilaterally elongated styloid process was found in two dried adult human skulls out of 30 skulls in the department of anatomy of RVS dental college Coimbatore. The length of the styloid process was measured using vernier caliper. The anatomical variations of elongated styloid process cause certain clinical symptoms in the orofacial region because of structures related to it. Knowledge of such variation may serve as a guide for otolaryngologists and dentomaxillofacial surgeons.

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J.P.Jaiprabhu, K.Prabhu Unilaterally Elongated Styloid Process: an Anatomical Variation Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 9 September 2015

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