Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012
Utilisation Of Modern Technology By The Teachers In Pupil Processing Organisation
Dr. P. Paul Devanesan, Dr A. Selvan
Abstract :
In the process of teaching, learning the information explosion, rapid ways of conveying upto date information with logical connection are performed by the teachers. Actually, teacher is involving in communication process to promote the intrinsic interest on the subject matter. In this circumstance, the appropriate use of modern technology draws attention of learners and enables learners to participate in the process of teaching – learning. Selection of modern technological promotes the health of people processing organization. Appropriate use of technology attracts the attention of the learners and keep them attractive in learning process and enable them to reason out with the help of modern technology and learners get relieved from monotony. The modern taxonomical structure of technology in teaching learning process are operations technology materials technology and knowledge technology in the field of education.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Dr. P.Paul Devanesan, Dr A. Selvan Utilisation Of Modern Technology By The Teachers In Pupil Processing Organisation Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012
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Dr. P.Paul Devanesan, Dr A. Selvan Utilisation Of Modern Technology By The Teachers In Pupil Processing Organisation Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012
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