Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

Vision and Planning

Dr. J. K Sehgal

Abstract :

Our Indian tradition is not an ostrich like attitude, refusing to see and observe the light of learning around us– from different parts of the world. For a healthy and happy system of education, a blending of both the old and the new is must and it needs systematic approach proper vision, insight and planning. Now a days teachers are being challenged of determining his role as a consumer of the past and as an innovator of the future. the role of knowledge only, does not seem to be relevant. It is more important for him too initiate his students into the art of learning by helping them acquire the right mental attitudes and learning materials importance of e–communication and e–learning. Uses of information and liary network (INFLIBNET) data based systems for the institutional planning and Qualitative Development in higher education just remember ‘A teacher affects Eternity ; he can never tell where the influence stops. Thus the planning took into the Quality of education, Expansion of university system, role and importance of UGC , increasing the relevance of courses ,trust towards improvement, emerging areas ,parallel fields placements of students, increasing options–A cafeteria approach for undergraduates. Interdisciplinary courses at the post–graduate levels. Appropriate education : A challenge –accept it as a challenge and deal it with help of SWOT analysis, evaluation and standards diversification of programs (national & state level committees ) , stress on real learning ,help the teachers reform , internal and external institutional management etc. introduction of proper planning and management practices, proper mechanism of resource allocation flow and utilization, development of relevant contents of courses based on the changing needs of economy and society, combination of course s cutting across the disciplines, flexibility in courses / credit system and refresher orientation of teachers etc. has special significance.  

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Dr. J. K Sehgal Vision and Planning Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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